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Migrate to Lumos v0.21

Deprecated the httpAgent and httpsAgent in RPC.setNode

Please use the fetch option in RPC constructor instead.

-const rpc = new RPC(url)
+const rpc = new RPC(
+ url,
+ { fetch: (request, init) => originalFetch(request, { ...init, keepalive: true }) },
-rpc.setNode({ url, httpAgent, httpsAgent })
+rpc.setNode({ url })

If you are still in working with Node.js(or Electron) runtime, you can migrate to node-fetch to continue using the customized agent

import fetch from "node-fetch"
import { Agent } from "http"

const rpc = new RPC(url, {
fetch: (request, init) => {
return fetch(request, { ...init, httpAgent: new Agent({ keepAlive: true }) })